Monday, October 29, 2012

Must Ask Questions for Senior Living Community Activity Directors

While choosing a senior living community for your loved one you must verify that the community is offering good activity programs. Daily activities are very important for a senior to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It will help the seniors to improve their physical and mental health. An activity director is the best point of contact to ask any questions about daily activity program of any good senior living community. He/She is responsible to organize and manage all the activities of the community. A well experienced activity director is very important to a healthy life for the elderly.

Always try to talk with activity directors when you visit senior assisted living communities. Please include the below questions while talking with a senior living activity director.

1. What is your opinion about the role of activities in a senior living community?
Search for activity directors who realise that daily activity is very essential for senior living to having the mind and body challenged and motivated throughout the day. Ensure they agree that activities and events will promote socialization, which helps seniors feel connected to the new living arrangements.

2. How do you plan events for each resident in the senior living community?
Many communities are planning activities that suitable for most of the residents. This is one of the biggest blunder senior living centers make; this may cause to miss physically and visually challenged seniors who require special needs. This may be a reason of disappointment and loneliness for residents who don’t mostly enjoy those typical activities. The activity director should know what a senior resident used to enjoy, can still enjoy, and identify an option to work that into the calendar.

3. What sort of physical exercises do you provide?
Verify the available physical exercises. It is very important for seniors to avoid or reduce several health issues which happen with age. Well maintained physical activities will help to reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes, bone mass loss, heart disease, muscle deterioration etc…

4. What type of mental activities do you planned for seniors?
Make sure that senior living community activity directors have an idea about mental health and memory power of senior residents. There are several types of memory care activities which can reduce risk of dementia. Verify that they have activities like word games, fall colouring, scavenger hunts, crossword puzzles, cooking classes etc…

5. Do you incorporate exercises that link with the local communities?
A significant number of senior living residents were active volunteers before they moved into the community. Seniors who have involved in volunteerism should continue the same activities which make them feel that they have an important role in their day-to-day life. So every senior living community must include some neighbourhood activities for senior residents.

Everybody like to live a peaceful life, so before you join to a senior retirement community make sure all your needs, likes and dislikes will be maintained as the same.

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